Prepare your delivery

How do you tell your target audience about your campaign?

  • This is how you make sure your target sees your campaign. It will often involve meeting your target audience in person to explain the problem and what you would like them to do about it. But more often than not, you can use social media as well to reach your audience.
    • When you meet with your target audience in person, be polite, as they are more likely to listen that way.

Utilise the campaign materials you have just read about to make sure that you can reach your target audience with the key messages

  • Write down how you will reach your target. If they don’t listen the first time, you can always try another tactic. Here are some other tactics to get your target’s attention.
    • Organise a community event that they are likely to attend
    • Visit their household in person with 2-4 supporters (again, be polite!)
    • Take out an ad with a newspaper/radio station that your target is likely to read/hear
    • Write an opinion piece in a newspaper that your target is likely to read
    • Post and advertise on social media page with a message about your campaign etc.
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