Types of Campaign Materials

A variety of different campaign materials can be created to target key audiences and maximise the impact of your campaign.

Some examples are shared below but feel free to be creative when producing the campaign materials!

  1. Talking points: an internal message document used to support spokes people who present campaign objectives and activities.
  2. Technical materials: helps educate audiences about the problem, and provides guidance on how to address the ongoing issue.
  3. Factsheets: can be useful to summarize data and latest evidence to communicate it easily to your target audience and supporters.
  4. Posters: can clearly highlight the theme, slogan and call to action of your campaign.
  5. Social Media Posts - can be GIFs, reels, photos (images), videos etc.: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok etc
  6. Infographics: a great way to summarize key information in a concise way which is also impactful on social media.
  7. Videos: short videos are known to draw attention to a topic.
  8. Public Service Announcements (PSA): via radio, TV, online platforms, SMS etc.
  9. Case Studies: real-life storytelling can help bring the campaign to life (make sure to get permission in advance to feature personal details and photographs!).
  10. News Release: engaging with media can enhance your campaign messaging and reach! However, this tactic is only worthwhile if you have new facts and figures to release.
  11. Local Activities: Consider organising activities in your community (e.g. school assembly announcements, events, household visits, educational lunches, coffee meet-up) to get people involved.

Source: WHO