How to make your water safe to drink?

Boil: The simplest and an effective way to make water safe is by boiling. The water should be boiled and remain boiling for at least 10 minutes to make sure all pathogens are killed before use. Before storing the boiled water in clean sanitized containers with tight covers, let the boiled water cool.

Disinfect: Treat your water with one of the locally available chlorine treatment products and follow the label instructions. If applied correctly, chlorine dioxide tablets can kill germs including Cryptosporidium , a resistant germ. However, iodine, tablets with iodine or chlorine tablets kill most germs, but not Cryptosporidium.

Use a water filter: There exists a wide range of filter types, in terms of filtering material, filtration processes and shapes/design/usability. Inform yourself well how they work and choose the best one on the market.
