I saw a post or photo on my social media that made me upset - what should I do?

  • If you know the person who shared it you might want to send them a message or talk to them face-to-face to explain why their post or photo was hurtful or offensive.
  • You can also “unfollow”, “unfriend” or “block” the person so that you don’t see any more of their posts. Most social media platforms have this option. On Facebook, you can click on the person’s profile and select “block”. They will not be able to send you messages from that account anymore.
  • On many social media platforms, you can report a specific post or photo if it is against the community standards of the social media platform. On Facebook, this includes bullying, graphic violence, and spam. Use the “report” link near the post or photo to submit a report.
  • You can also report people who don’t follow these Facebook terms by going to their profile and clicking “report”.
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