Relevant government authorities for renewable energy

After a few seconds of silence, Lalima expressed her curiosity.

“With renewable energy possessing such great opportunities across various sectors, are the governments in South Asia taking the necessary steps to promote renewable energy”


“Of course, yes! Countries have government bodies that promote renewable energy. Here is the list of relevant government bodies that promote renewable energy.”


Tashi scrolled through his smartphone and showed it to Lalima.

  1. Afghanistan: Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW)
  2. Bangladesh: Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA)
  3. Bhutan: Department of Renewable Energy (DRE)
  4. India: Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE)
  5. Maldives: Energy Authority under the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, and Technology
  6. Nepal: Alternative Energy Promotion Center (AEPC)
  7. Pakistan: Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB)
  8. Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority (SLSEA)

Tashi put down his smartphone.

“If you’re going to work in renewable energy in South Asia, make sure you know the relevant government authorities and their policies and programs. This will allow you to understand the priorities of each country and where they are headed. It will also help you take advantage of government schemes that incentivize renewable energy. You can learn more about this by visiting the government web pages.”


“I will do that as I explore further business expansion in South Asia.”


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