Renewable Energy for Climate Resiliency

Lalima yawned and smiled with a hint of embarrassment in front of Tashi.

“It’s getting late now, and I must get going. But I hope you learned what you expected from today’s discussion."


“Oh yes! Definitely. Your examples opened doors for me regarding the vast opportunities of renewable energy for MSMEs. Renewables for MSMEs present a business opportunity as their uptake will grow in South Asia, and at the same time, its adoption can also prove to be economical for MSMEs’ day-to-day operations. As renewables continue to cater to greater energy needs, it replaces the potential use of fossil fuels and offset greenhouse gas emissions that would have otherwise been emitted. This in turn reduces environmental harm and contributes to lessening the effects of climate change.”


“You’ve summarized the interconnectedness of MSMEs, renewable energy, and climate change pretty well. And in addition to your point, distributed renewable energy such as solar mini-grids and micro-hydropower plants are a potential solution for reliable electrical access in areas where access to the national grid is not feasible or uneconomical. With access to renewable energy solutions, the population that previously didn’t have access to electricity can now engage in new business opportunities, improve their livelihoods by the increase in income and take measures for climate adaptation.”


“This was helpful, I can’t thank you enough.”


“The pleasure is all mine. Tomorrow, I want to sit down with all three of your friends and walk through with them how they can analyze climate risks for their businesses and plan for risk mitigations. Can you ask them if they are available?”


“I will ask them and fix a time and place, then let you know tomorrow morning. I don’t want to keep you late.”


Tashi smiled and got up. It was 10 pm. Lalima accompanied Tashi to the shop front where she bid him farewell. Tashi waved goodbye and continued down the street.

Share your thoughts with us!

How can countries ensure energy resilience for MSMEs? What are the challenges to achieve this?
