Identify Risks to the Value Chain

“Now, the next step is to identify the natural risks for each key step. Note that there may be multiple natural risks faced by each element of the value chain. Just select the dropdown options as you identify multiple ones. To start with, Kishor, can you identify some natural risks? “You can fill it in.””


Kishor spent a couple of minutes identifying the natural risks.

“Umm…transportation service will be affected by floods. And…to some extent landslides…”


Others in the group hydrated themselves as the sun shone brighter in the pleasant morning.

“There you go.”


Kishor as he showed the laptop screen to others.


Everyone in the group had a look.

“Is everyone clear with the process up to now?"


They all nodded and seemed to follow through.

“At this stage, Kishor is already thinking of the natural risks to his business and its external factors. Let’s move on to the next step which is to go a step further from the broad natural risks and identify their direct impact to the business.”


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