Travel to Deurali and Introduce the Risk Evaluation and Renewable Energy Integration Tool

Deurali was much cooler because of its high altitude - around 2,200 meters elevation which Aabroo mentioned during the bus ride. The top of the hill towered over the city of Lalapur and the sound of birds and greenery surrounded all sides. They chose a quiet spot on the hilltop.

Tashi sat down in the cool grass.

“My friend recommended this great place. It seems worth it.”


“I came here last year with my friends. It’s a perfect place for a day out.”


After they all settled, Tashi started the conversation.

“All right, today’s session will be an important one. Today, I want to tie up everything we discussed together in earlier sessions. We have discussed the climate risks to MSMEs by sharing examples, and yesterday, Lalima and I had a long conversation about the importance and opportunities of renewable energy for MSMEs. Today, I want to discuss how any MSME, and I mean any MSME, can evaluate their climate risks and come up with a strategy to cope with it, with opportunities for renewable energy integration as well.”


All four nodded and seemed intrigued.

“Is there a tool that we can use?”


Aabroo, who usually is the shy one, but today she seemed to be elated.

“Yes, there is. There are steps you can follow that will walk you through the process of assessing climate and natural risks, coming up with specific risk responses, and evaluating the potential of renewable energy intervention to make MSME operations resilient. There are frameworks and guidelines developed by reputed institutions and I am going to reference them and add other aspects to them as I explain the tool. Should we start?”


"Yes, I want to learn about this. I can later use such a tool to come to concrete actions for my business and even share it with others."


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