Thank you Tashi!

After Tashi emailed the tool, he had a look at the report on his laptop.

“Ah! I forgot to mention the last tab. The last tab has a report that summarises the major information of the tool. You can print this report for later use. Kishor, I can export the report in pdf and send it to your email. Would you be interested in reviewing your report?”


"Of course, I would love to.’


Kishor shared his email address and Tashi sent him the report. Kishor looked into the report with a thoughtful gaze.

“This is remarkable!”



The report captivated everyone’s attention.

“Wow! The report conveniently presents risks, responses, opportunities, and renewable energy cost estimation in one overview.”


While Aabroo and Baisali were engrossed in examining the report, Lalima turned to Tashi with a warm smile on her face.

“Thank you Tashi, the sessions we’ve had with you have helped us learn a lot about climate risks, its effects on businesses, and the importance of renewable energy.”


“Same here. I can’t thank you enough.”


Aabroo and Baisali also expressed their gratitude to Tashi.

“I’m always open to helping you guys. Unfortunately, I will be leaving tomorrow and returning to my home, but feel free to ping me when you need my help. I hope to see you all establish successful businesses in Lalalistan and expand it in the South Asian region.”


Tashi turned off the laptop and inserted it into his bag.

“Feel free to circulate this tool among your friends and colleagues who you think will benefit from it.”


” There’s no doubt about that. I will share this with my other friends.”


Everyone stood up and made their way to the bus station.

Share your thoughts with us!

Aside from those mentioned in the chapter, what other ways do you think MSMEs can integrate climate resilience in their business?

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