Chapter 4: Integrating Climate Resiliency in Business

All gather on a cool morning:

The light breeze in the morning kept the temperature at around 24֯C in Lalapur. The day felt comforting as the sun warmly shone over the horizon. It was a weekend, and people were out and about in the streets and parks.

“Let’s head up to Deurali as soon as Kishor joins us.”


Aabroo, Baisali, and Lalima agreed as they waited for Kishor. After a while, he emerged out of the street corner and joined them.

“Good morning, Kishor, you look fresh. While we were waiting, we discussed that it would be good to head out to Deurali which is up in the hills. There is greenery all around in a quiet environment where we can have an important discussion.”


“Sure, that sounds good.”


All five took a bus to Deurali which was one and a half hours away and up at the top of the hill to the east of Lalapur.
