
In a café, somewhere in Lalalistan....

“Do you think there are any market opportunities in South Asia?”

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“Of course there are!"


Lalima rests her coffee cup on the table and ponders. Her eyes move around the coffee shop. The weather outside is pleasant as spring approaches in Lalalistan – close to the South Asian region.

Lalima’s mentor Tashi asked to catch up with her after she recently graduated with her business degree. Being his close friend’s daughter, Tashi has seen Lalima grow with her entrepreneurial ambition. Now that she had graduated, he was curious to know her plans for the future.

“Maybe I can simply do some financial evaluations and share them with my father to expand his business to South Asia. If I can convince him about the opportunities, then maybe he will get excited…”

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“I suggest you think carefully. It's not just about the attractive financial outlook, you need to evaluate the business expansion from various dimensions, especially if you’re looking into expanding in South Asia. For example, impacts of climate change risks to your business, local business environment, the local culture and so much more.”


“Hmmm, but I don’t think we need to be too serious about climate change impacting our business. It seems too far-fetched and more a macro-level concern.”

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Tashi (shaking his head in disagreement):

“No, no, don’t take it too lightly. The debate on climate change has come a long way with heaps of credible evidence, and its impact on business is all too real."


“Really? But I’m not able to think of any adverse climatic risks we may face.”

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“Let’s get another cup of coffee and I’ll tell you more.”


Tashi and Lalima both order another cup of coffee.
