Advice: Caring for Toddlers
This includes 550 days from 6 to 24 months. Quality health care, adequate nutrition, love and care for the toddlers is important for health and development of the child.
- Health:
- The child should be taken to the health centre for:
- All recommended immunization
- For growth monitoring and for checking any developmental delays
- Provided mothers complete all required immunization, growth monitoring, and other check-ups, she will receive eight (8) tranches of Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) as financial support from the Government to ensure safe and healthy mother and child.
- The child should be taken to the health centre for:

- Nutrition:
- Start complementary food in addition to breast milk till two years. Breast milk alone is no longer sufficient to meet all energy and nutrient needs of the child.
- Always wash your hands with soap after using toilet, before preparing food and feeding the child.
- Add recommended dosage of Micro Nutrient Powder in the child’s food, which is available at the health centres.

- Love & Care:
- Parents and caregivers must talk, play and sing to the child while feeding. It helps to stimulate brain development.

- Do not give a child hard foods or candy, small toys with detachable pieces, or objects smaller than their fist as they are choking risks
- When child starts rolling, crawling, or walking, protect them from falling out of bed, down stairs, out of windows, or off of balconies
- Keep all medicines, cleaning supplies, pesticides, and flammable liquids out of reach of child
- Cover buckets of water to prevent drowning, and keep sharp objects away from child
- Baby walkers do not prepare/help baby to walk on his/her own and does not strengthen muscles
Remember to always practice good hygiene when feeding your child and handling food!

- It is important for both the caregiver’s and the child’s hands to be washed thoroughly before eating.
- Wash your hand before preparing food and feeding your child, after using the toilet, after cleaning the baby’s bottom.