Advice for Good Pregnancy

This includes the first 270 days from conception to birth. Quality healthcare, adequate nutrition, love and care during pregnancy are important for the health and well-being of the mother and child.

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  • Health:
    • Pregnant women must go for at least eight ante natal check ups (ANC).​
    • Pregnant mothers should know the danger signs of pregnancy and make plans to deliver in a health center. 
    • Provided pregnant women complete all ANC check-ups, she will receive six (6) tranches of Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) as financial support from the Government to ensure a safe and healthy mother and child.


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  • Nutrition
    • It is important to eat adequate nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables, meat, egg, milk and cereals during pregnancy for brain development of the child and health of the mother.
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  • Love and Care
    • Family members should provide love and support to women during pregnancy. It helps to stimulate brain development of the child and bonding within the family.
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General advice for a good pregnancy:

  • Come early and regularly for health care services.
  • Eat nutritious food and stay physically active.
  • Plan to deliver at a health centre.
  • If you have any concerns or complications, please visit a health centre.

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⚠️ Danger signs for mothers:

  • Any vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, or excessive bleeding after a delivery, miscarriage, or abortion (2-3 pads fully soaked within 20-30 minutes).
  • Any high fever during pregnancy or up to 6 weeks after childbirth or abortion.
  • Labour pains starting before 37 weeks • Severe abdominal pain or vomiting that does not allow you to eat.
  • Severe headache, blurred vision, or convulsions during pregnancy, labour or up to 1 week after delivery.
  • Fast or difficult breathing.
  • Baby not moving, or moving less than normal.

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